Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Things to Do Before School Lets Out

As all of us know summer is just around the corner, even if the weather in Ithaca doesn't make it seem like it is. Second semester is almost over and we just have a few weeks left to do some pretty damn cool things. It is also a time to end things on a good note and not leave unfinished business. So here are some things to do before school lets out for the summer:

1) Tie up loose ends: No one wants to go into summertime with unfinished business. Leaving things unclear can have lasting effects on your summer. You want to be able to enjoy your time with your friends and not think about what you left behind at school. If you feel like you haven't resolved things with someone, now is the time to do so. Reach out to them and tell them how you feel. After all, if they don't feel the same, you don't have to see them for a while, and if they do feel the same, then you wouldn't have to wonder what could have been.

2) Take a risk: Now is the chance to have your last hurrah, so take it! Do an activity that you are afraid of trying or tell the person you like how you feel. Honestly, the worst that can come of it is that they may not like you back, and, like I said, that is okay because you don't have to see them for awhile. Do something crazy with your friends and make one last memory. Don't forget to take pictures, of course.

3) Change up your scene: Though most people would say to spend more time near your college before heading home for break, I say differently. Go somewhere new with your friends and explore the area. Take an overnight trip somewhere with your friends and meet new people there. In fact, you can be who ever you want to be in a new area. Give yourself a fake identity and have fun with it. Act differently than you normally would, especially if you will never see these people again. Sometimes it's fun to break from your mold and be someone different.

4) Hook, Line, and Sinker: Go fishing with your friends one night and no I'm not talking about actually going fishing. I mean go out with your friends to a party and see how many people you can flirt with/pick up. Make it a game and whoever wins gets the satisfaction of people flirting back. It is just something fun to do and a great way to meet people.

5) Participate in Kendall Day/any other party day: I'm not encouraging you guys to get drunk, but definitely go out on Kendall Day. Even if you choose not to drink, do some fun activities with your friends. Go gorge-jumping or paint balling. Spend the day just doing absolutely crazy fun things with your friends. I mean it is your last chance to live it up before summer.

Hope you all have a great rest of the semester and enjoy summer when it rolls around!
