Friday, February 28, 2014

5 Tips to De-Stress During Mid-Term Week

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose on thought over another." -William James

Yes, it's that dreaded time of year again, mid-term week. This means you have to take extra care of your body both mentally and physically. Don't let yourself completely suffer the week before spring break. Take some time out of your busy schedule to just RELAX. It may seem impossible to find time to even take a second to yourself, but trust me even 10 minutes can make a difference. So here are some tips to just relax during mid-term week:

1) Exercise- I know this one is on literally every list on how to de-stress, but it seriously works. You may not have time to actually go to the gym during this chaotic time, but try taking even 5 min to even just stretch on the floor or on your bed. Do some jumping jax or a handstand and get the blood flowing to your head. Studies show you need blood circulation to your head for your health and it will help you gain a little energy to study better.

2) Do something that makes you happy- I mean something small you can do in a few minutes. It might be impossible to go watch a movie, but try taking 20 minutes to write a journal entry or maybe dance a little. Instead of taking an hour, just take a few minutes to do the small things you love doing. A few examples are: listen to music, dance, write, read, play an instrument, or even talk to your friends. (BUT DON'T OVER DO IT!)

3) Laugh it off- No, I don't mean screw your exam. I mean take some time to laugh with your friends. Laughter is also proven to create happiness not just in you, but in others as well. Crack a few jokes with your friends or reminisce about funny times you all had together. Nothing is better than just being with your friends for little and roll on the floor laughing.

4) Unplug and Take a Hot Shower- Turn off all your devices, put your books away and go take a hot shower. Relax your mind and enjoy the steam. Take extra time to pamper yourself and just focus on you for a while. Really nothing is better than that.

5) End the day on a good note- Take the last 20 or 30 minutes of your night to just breathe and think of the things you are thankful for. Honestly, if you think about what you are thankful for, you are less likely to complain and think you are in hell. Breathing also is proven to help your body relax. Maybe even put on some relaxing music to help you fall asleep and drink some warm caffeine-free tea. Just remember that after this week, all of you will either be home or vacationing somewhere cool. Once this is all over, you can finally just relax and enjoy a nice home-cooked meal.

For most of you, it will be hard to do all of these things in one day. They are not meant to be in one day, unless you have a lot of time on your hands haha. Do one of these things each day of the week and you will feel much less stressed out. Just remember, nothing is worth stressing over. Do study, but don't cram. You know all the information you need and all you have to do is extract it from your brain. Don't worry because life is way to short to panic. Follow the steps above next week and I promise that you will feel better. All you need is to create 20-30 minutes to do one of the activities above per day and you will be all set. So good luck and let the odds be ever in your favor!

Till next time,

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Living Life As Though it's Your Last Day

In light of the very sad and tragic news about the deaths of two people and many others in this world, I want to dedicate this blog post to everyone out there who should be living life like it is their last day because today made me realize that life really is/can be short. People should not be passing away at such a young age. You never know when your last day can be and it is so important to remind the people in your life how much you love and appreciate them. "Eventually life will send you new people and new dreams, cherish this time to grow and learn, cherish what the universe is teaching you now." So here are some of the ways you can live life as though it is your last day.

1) Always let "I love you" or something appreciative be the last thing you say to someone. You never know when the last time you will see someone is. You want the people in your life to know how much they mean to you before you can't tell them anymore. One day you will regret not telling people how you feel because you may never get the chance again. Never end on a bad note even if you are fighting with that person, let them know at the end of the conversation how much they mean to you. Always be the bigger person because they will appreciate that in the end. So spread the love!

2) Do something new everyday. It doesn't have to be as dramatic as going skydiving, but doing something simple everyday can add so much more excitement to your life. "Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and I promise you something great will come of it." You never want to leave this world thinking about what you could have done and should have done. Live with no regrets and try a new hobby, learn how to play the guitar, or learn a new language. Not only does this allow you to do things you have always wanted to do, but it also allows you to live in the moment with no regrets. So get out there and try something new everyday! I challenge you all!

3) Do what makes you happy. Life is for sure way to short to not be true to yourself. Why be fake and be someone your not just to please other people. In the end, others will appreciate the sincerity and will like you for you are. You don't need anyone's acceptance except for your own. So don't follow other people's path for you in life, make your own. Do what you love and makes you happy and everything else will follow.

I really hope this helps some of you reflect on your own lives and what you can do to appreciate every second of it. Everyone keeps saying life is short, but no one really understands that until they have experienced a loss. So use this tragic experience to make a difference in your life and in other people's lives. So cheers to living life like it is your last day.
