Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hey Jealousy

Jealousy always seems to get even the best of us. It's natural to feel jealous sometimes even if most of the time you are pretty confident. Jealousy only eats up your beauty. Have more faith in yourself, you got something that other people don't. Jealousy can also be a major relationship killer especially when you become so insecure that you start becoming controlling too. It may also seem as though there is no way to get rid of that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach. Comparing yourself to others will never make you feel better, it will only hinder your full potential. Comparing yourself to others arises from low self-esteem and can create a lot of jealousy. So, I have compiled a list of ways to stop this green eyed monster from taking over your beautiful and kickass self. 

1) Do things that make you feel good and sexy: I know I personally feel a lot better about myself when I participate in activities that I enjoy. If you wake up in one of those slumps where you feel insecure and not your best, kick yourself out of bed and go do something you enjoy. For example, I have found that Zumba makes me feel really sexy and free. It releases a lot of stress, helps me get fit, and makes me feel sexy. When there isn't a Zumba class to go to, I listen to music/go to the gym or hang with friends, and maybe read a good book and tan outside. This time to yourself will allow you to get your mind of things, feel sexier, and feel a hell-of-a-lot happier.

2) Stop Asking Bad Questions!!!!: I don't know why people do this one, including myself. Why the hell are we asking ourselves and the people around us questions we don't necessarily want to know the answer to? This will only lead us to disappointment and insecurity. For example, if you are with a new guy or girl, why would you feel the need to ask them all sorts of questions about their exes or their past history? I mean I personally know why. We are all half curious, but also have some insecurity about how we compare to others. Even if we may be curious about people's pasts or other people's lives, we shouldn't ask questions we know will make ourselves feel insecure. Instead focus on the present, your relationship, and yourself. 

3) Be The Best Version of You Possible: What makes me feel better about myself is realizing my true potential. When we compare ourselves to others we have unrealistic expectations for ourselves. Instead, why not just realize your strong points and accentuate those. For example, you may be staring at the hot, tan, skinny, tall, blonde/brunette girl your ex used to date or hook-up with. You might be thinking, how can I look like that? You might think to yourself how can I become taller, tanner, skinnier, blonder, and smarter. If your short, like me, being tall will never happen unless you always wear heels. So, instead embrace who you are. For me, I used to think being short wasn't beautiful, but I slowly realized I love being tiny. I can be picked up by tall men, one of my weaknesses haha! Aside from the things you can't change, work on playing up the great points of yourself. If you have beautiful eyes, play up your make up to show them off. If you have great legs or a stomach, then show them off too. Also, if you still feel insecure you can always just try and be healthy. I'm not talking about trying to become a stick, but just being fit. Go to the gym regularly or when you can, tan during the summer (make sure to wear sunblock!!), get a new haircut, or try and improve your intelligence or your skills in a new hobby you enjoy. All this should help you feel better about yourself in no time!

4) Talk It Out: If you are feeling insecure, sometimes the best thing to do is just to talk it out. Vent to your friends, your family, or a professional. For the people who you can really open up to, let it all out. Sometimes getting things off your chest can just make you feel better instead of letting it foster inside. Also, if you are feeling jealous in a relationship it is always beneficial to talk about your feelings. Don’t over do it though because you can scare your partner. Just tell them your feelings and maybe why you could be feeling this way. Who knows, maybe than can help you and reassure you that things are okay. Just make sure to not control what your partner says or does. Let them help you and not you trying to control them.

5) Be Conscious and Don’t Depend On Praise: Lastly, always be conscious of your own feelings and really try to get to the root of the issue. Why is it that you feel this way? Also, never depend on praise and compliments from others to make you feel confident. Confidence really does come from within and it’s really hard to train yourself to become that way. It doesn’t come easy and it takes a lot of work. 

Hopefully, following my advice can help some of you feel more confident and less jealous of others. In the end, we should all really help each other out and make other people feel better about themselves too. Our society doesn’t just consist of one person, it consists of all of us. Thus, we need to work on being friendlier to each other instead of putting other people down to make ourselves feel better. 

Hope this helps!

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